Welcome to the RePause Project

Where coffee, connection, events and wellness are our 4 pillars of life.

Over the past few years, social media, use of the internet and ‘drinking whilst socialising’ culture – which was meant to bring us all together, has actually made us more disconnected from each other. Add in a global pandemic and we are now faced with a society with a huge increase in depression rates, anxiety, feelings of loneliness and disconnection. This has been shown to be prevalent, not only within adults, but children too.

The RePause Project aims to help the local community by connecting people and helping everyone to reconnect to their souls. To pause and take in the small joyful moments in life, like enjoying a cup of coffee with great conversation, trying out a new event, connecting with people and improving your own wellness in the process.

We do this through our umbrella companies - RePause Coffee, RePause Events & RePause Wellness. We can’t wait for you to be a part of our story.